467 clubs, bedankt voor weer een mooi seizoen. ING, Hoofdsponsor van het Nederlandse voetbal.
Al een generatie lang partner van het Nederlandse voetbal. En dat blijven we zeker tot 2022. ING, Hoofdsponsor van het Nederlandse voetbal.
ING is the main sponsor of Dutch Football since 1996. To show their social connection with amateur clubs throughout the country, we facilitated 467 local clubs to make their own local Print and Abri campaign at the end of the season. Furthermore, to celebrate the extension of the sponsorcontact with the KNVB, we showed that ING has been a partner for one full generation. We brought this generation to life by looking through the eyes of a boy from his birth until his debut for the Dutch national team. You might know the player? ING & KNVB Partnership Campaign, 2015 Print, Abri & Social Media Communication Strategy, Concept & Copy